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SmartAVC™ patented technology is owned and licensed exclusively by Starmark, Inc.
Starmark, Inc.
Founded in 1987, Starmark, Inc. has a proven track record of success in research and development for the defense and health science industries. Starmark operates as an R&D prime contractor for the federal government and as a subcontractor for other R&D companies.
Dr. Franklin Felber
Dr. Felber, co-founder and chief technology officer of Starmark, is the principal developer of SmartAVC™. He holds physics degrees from Princeton University, University of Chicago, and University of Southern California. Dr. Felber has managed many dozens of R&D programs for government organizations, including: the Air Force, Army, Navy, Marine Corps, Missile Defense Agency, Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, Defense Threat Reduction Agency, Department of Energy, Department of Transportation, National Institute of Justice, National Institutes of Health, and national laboratories. He is a world expert in remote acoustic detection and acoustic imaging through air. Dr. Felber co-founded a VoIP/media-broadcasting start-up in 1998 that quickly reached a market cap of $100 million.
SmartAVC™ is now available for licensing on attractive terms to qualified developers and manufacturers of:
- Mobile-phone handsets, including smartphones and feature phones
- Multimedia handsets
- Personal media players
- Tablets
- Wireless headsets/earpieces
- Car radios and audio systems
- All other audio platforms that operate in changing background noise
- Chips for all of the applications above
- And to service providers and carrier partners for the applications above
- And to developers of platform-specific software for the applications above.
Contact Us
For a demonstration of SmartAVC™ technology and further information on licensing opportunities, companies may contact Starmark, Inc. by:
Email: SmartAVC@StarmarkTechnologies.com
Phone: (858) 676-0055, Fax: (858) 676-0003
Mail: P. O. Box 270710, San Diego, CA 92198

SmartAVC™ patented technology is now available for licensing